Research Article

Comparison of Myeloid Cells in Circulation and in the Tumor Microenvironment of Patients with Colorectal and Breast Cancers

Figure 2

Levels of tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells in breast and colorectal cancer and paired, adjacent, nontumor tissue. Representative flow cytometric plots showing the levels of different subsets of myeloid cells in normal tissue (NT) and corresponding tumor tissues (TT) of 10 PBC (a) and 11 CRC patients (b). Scatter plots showing the mean percentages ± SEM of relative percentages of MMC (c), GMC (d), IMC (e), and APC (f) in NT and TT of PBC and CRC patients. indicates value of ≤0.05, indicates value of ≤0.01, and indicates value of ≤0.001.