Research Article

The Expression of IL-6, TNF-α, and MCP-1 in Respiratory Viral Infection in Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of AECOPD.

Category/parameter Total ()

Sociodemographic data
 Age mean value ± SD, years
 Male (%)62 (62%)
 Current smokers (%)38 (38%)
 Current or former smokers (%)97 (97%)
 Influenza vaccination (%)41 (41%)
 Acute COPD exacerbation in last year (%)75 (75%)
 Duration of COPD
 Hospitalization in last year (%)11 (11%)
COPD severity as per GOLD n (%)
 GOLD I (mild)4 (4%)
 GOLD II (moderate)39 (39%)
 GOLD III (severe)52 (52%)
 GOLD IV (very severe)5 (5%)