Research Article

OSU-T315 as an Interesting Lead Molecule for Novel B Cell-Specific Therapeutics

Figure 10

Ex vivo IL6 and TNFα production and proliferation of murine splenic WT or ILK KO B lymphocytes stimulated by LPS. Freshly isolated splenic B cells from an ILK WT (black) mouse and an ILK KO (grey) mouse underwent stimulation with LPS (5 μg/ml). The production of IL6 (a) and TNFα (b) was measured after 2 days and the proliferation (c) after 3 days. Unstimulated B cells from ILK WT and ILK KO mouse produce by average 0.005 ng/ml IL6 and 0.002 ng/ml TNFα and have a CPM value of 75. Plotted data are the means with SEM of sextuplets. The graphics show data from one representative of the three independently performed experiments.