Research Article

Safety and Efficacy of Rituximab in Multiple Sclerosis: A Retrospective Observational Study

Table 2

Adverse events and serious adverse events (safety population).

All events
Any event: (71.9%)
Any event leading to discontinuation of the drug: (1.1%)
PML: none
Death: none

Infusion reactions (); 8.7%
(i) Mild reaction during first cycle ()
(ii) Mild reaction during second cycle ()
(iii) Mild reaction during third cycle ()
(iv) Mild reaction during ≥ fourth cycle ()
Infections (); 15.7%
(i) Urinary tract infections:
(ii) Upper and lower respiratory tract infections:
(iii) Flu:
Dermatological adverse events () – 4.5%
(i) Pityriasis rosea:
(ii) Seborrheic dermatitis:
Fatigue (); 3.4%
Laboratory abnormalities (); 3.4%
(i) Lymphopenia (ALC = 665):
(ii) Eosinophilia (7%):
(iii) Anemia:
GI (nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence):
Weight gain:
Sexual dysfunction:
Hip fracture:
Paresthesia in fingers:
Hair loss:
Loss of appetite:
Urinary urgency:

Serious adverse events requiring hospitalizations and surgical interventions (); 2.2%
(i) Increase in the size of a preexisting meningioma with central cystic formation and enhancement 21 months after initiating rituximab therapy:
(ii) Fungal vaginal infection, vaginitis, pyoderma gangrenosum vaginalis, perianal abscess with fistula formation 38 months after initiating rituximab therapy:

PML = progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; ALC = acute lymphocytic count; GI = gastrointestinal.