Research Article

CD40 Signaling Promotes CXCR5 Expression in B Cells via Noncanonical NF-κB Pathway Activation

Figure 3

Noncanonical NF-κB pathway was involved in CD40-mediated CXCR5 expression in B cells. Splenocytes were stimulated with anti-mouse CD40 antibody for 72 hours in the presence or absence of NIK inhibitor. (a) A representative immunoblot analysis showing P100, P52, and RelB in B cells. GAPDH was used as loading control (representing three independent experiments, ); (b, c) Representative flow cytometry data plots (b) and statistics (c) showed the frequencies of CXCR5+ B cells (representing three independent experiments, ); (d, e) Representative flow cytometry data plots (d) and statistics (e) showed the MFI of CXCR5 on B cells (representing three independent experiments, ). Living cells were gated according to FSC and SSC parameters. All flow cytometry results were analysed and plotted using FMO. (ANOVA test).