Research Article

Infiltration of Immunoinflammatory Cells and Related Chemokine/Interleukin Expression in Different Gastric Immune Microenvironments

Table 1

The results of immune cell ssGSEA score in different gastric disease stages.

ssGSEA score
NGM ()SG ()AG ()EAG ()T1/2 ()T3/4 ()

Immune cell
Activated B cell
Activated CD4 T cell
Activated CD8 T cell
Activated dendritic cell
CD56bright natural killer cell
CD56dim natural killer cell
Central memory CD4 T cell
Central memory CD8 T cell
Effector memory CD4 T cell
Effector memory CD8 T cell
Gamma delta T cell
Immature B cell
Immature dendritic cell
Mast cell
Memory B cell
Natural killer cell
Natural killer T cell
Plasmacytoid dendritic cell
Regulatory T cell
T follicular helper cell
Type 1 T helper cell
Type 17 T helper cell
Type 2 T helper cell