Research Article

sB7H3 in Children with Acute Appendicitis: Its Diagnostic Value and Association with Histological Findings

Table 1

Demographic data and clinical characteristics of AA and control subjects.

ParametersControl group ()AA patients ()AA-based groups ()
SA ()PA ()GA ()

Sex (M, %)54 (60.00%)62 (67.39%)7 (58.33%)36 (73.47%)19 (61.29%)2.8710.412
Age (, years)###4.8300.185
Perforated appendicitis (, %)0 (0%)21 (22.82%)###0 (0%)6 (12.24%)15 (48.39%)18.161≤0.001
LOS (, days)###122.480≤0.001
Fever days (, days)0###141.087≤0.001
Thermal spike (, °C)0###2.9070.060
WBC (, 1000/μL)###85.335≤0.001
MCV (, fL)6.1530.001
RDW (, %)3.0530.030
MPV (, fL)##79.596≤0.001
PDW (, %)##41.492≤0.001
CRP (, mg/L)###130.964≤0.001
PLT (, 1000/μL)8.880≤0.001
ALT (, U/L)0.8180.486
AST (, U/L)0.1840.907
ALP (, U/L)##5.3150.021
Tbil (, μmol/L)##59.41≤0.001
Ibil (, μmol/L)#40.256≤0.001
Dbil (, μmol/L)###76.552≤0.001
LDH (, U/L)3.7870.285
FIB (, g/L)###68.397≤0.001
TNF-α (, pg/mL)###28.930≤0.001
sB7H3 (, ng/mL)###143.057≤0.001

AA: acute appendicitis; SA: simple appendicitis; PA: purulent appendicitis; GA: gangrenous appendicitis. Asterisks indicate that the reorganization data is nonnormal distribution, and the Kruskal Wallis test is used to analyze the differences between groups. The mean of other groups was compared by one-way ANOVA/Student’s -test for independent samples, and the rate was compared by the chi-square test. Statistically significant differences between AA patients and control group are shown in column 3 as #, ##, and ###. Statistically significant differences between four groups are shown in the last column. LOS: length of stay in hospital; WBC: white blood cell; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; RDW: red blood cell distribution width; MPV: mean platelet volume; PDW: platelet distribution width; CRP: C-reactive protein; PLT: platelet; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALP: alkaline phosphatase; Tbil: total bilirubin; Ibil: indirect bilirubin; Dbil: direct bilirubin; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; FIB: fibrinogen; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-α.