Research Article

sB7H3 in Children with Acute Appendicitis: Its Diagnostic Value and Association with Histological Findings

Table 3

Comparing patients’ demographic data and clinical characteristics between the perforated appendicitis group and the nonperforated appendicitis group.

ParametersNonperforated appendicitis
(, )
Perforated appendicitis
(, )

Sex (M, %)46 (64.79%)16 (76.19%)0.9590.328
Age (, years)1.0580.293
LOS (, days)-1.6790.108
Duration of fever (, days)-1.6470.103
Thermal spike (, °C)-1.4060.163
WBC (, 1000/μL)-0.5420.589
MCV (, fL)-0.0530.958
RDW (, %)-0.0080.993
MPV (, fL)0.4470.656
PDW (, %)1.0930.277
CRP (, mg/L)-3.4750.002
PLT (, 1000/μL)-0.3670.714
ALT (, U/L)-1.2190.214
AST (, U/L)-1.2900.200
ALP (, U/L)0.8630.391
Tbil (, μmol/L)0.0830.934
Ibil (, μmol/L)0.4140.680
Dbil (, μmol/L)-0.7490.456
LDH (, U/L)-1.3830.180
FIB (, g/L)-0.0370.971
TNF-α (, pg/mL)-0.7780.439
sB7H3 (, ng/mL)-2.3090.023

Asterisks () indicate that the reorganization data is nonnormal distribution, and rank sum test is used to analyze the differences between groups. LOS: longer length of stay in hospital; WBC: white blood cell; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; RDW: red blood cell distribution width; MPV: mean platelet volume; PDW: platelet distribution width; CRP: C-reactive protein; PLT: platelet; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALP: alkaline phosphatase; Tbil: total bilirubin; Ibil: indirect bilirubin; Dbil: direct bilirubin; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; FIB: fibrinogen; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-α.