Research Article

ILC2 Proliferated by IL-33 Stimulation Alleviates Acute Colitis in Rag1-/- Mouse through Promoting M2 Macrophage Polarization

Figure 7

ILC2 adaptive transfer treatment attenuates DSS-induced acute colitis in the Rag1-/- mice. Mice were orally treated with 3% DSS in the drinking water to induce colitis as described in Materials and Methods. M1 macrophage (F4/80+CD11b+CD206-) and M2 macrophage (F4/80+CD11b+CD206+) were measured by flow cytometry. (a) Percentage of macrophage and CD206 expression. (b) Absolute cell number and frequencies of M2 macrophage. Data indicate of each group (/group) obtained from a representative of three independent experiments and were valued by Student’s -test ().