Research Article

In Vitro ELISA and Cell-Based Assays Confirm the Low Immunogenicity of VNAR Therapeutic Constructs in a Mouse Model of Human RA: An Encouraging Milestone to Further Clinical Drug Development

Figure 1

Drug and mouse ADA detection using an indirect capture ELISA. (a) Serum anti-hTNF-α Quad-X™ and Humira® were detected using a capture anti-human IgG antibody (Fc specific) and a detection secondary anti-human IgG antibody- (Fc specific) peroxidase. (b) Detection of mouse ADA to anti-hTNF-α Quad-X™ and Humira® using a capture anti-human IgG antibody (Fc specific) and detection with an anti-mouse IgG- (whole molecule) peroxidase. (c) Detection of anti-hTNF-α Quad-X™ and Humira® to drug-specific mouse IgG using a capture anti-mouse IgG antibody (Fc specific) and a detection antibody, an anti-human IgG antibody- (Fc specific) peroxidase. All serum samples were randomly pooled and diluted at 1 : 20 in sterile PBS, pH 7.4. The results shown are the ( with two replicates per experiment).