Research Article

Robust Plasma Cell Response to Skin-Inoculated Dengue Virus in Mice

Figure 2

PCs response induced by DENV is largely dominated by IgG+ class-switched cells. Class-switched PCs were analyzed by intracellular staining of IgM and IgG by flow cytometry in the DLN of mice at different times postcutaneous inoculation. (a) Representative flow cytometry contour plots of IgM+ vs. IgG+ PCs (CD138+Ly6C+) at day 7 post-DENV inoculation. Numbers represent the proportion of IgM+ or IgG+ cells from PCs. (b) Percentage of IgM+ and IgG+ PCs during the kinetic. Dotted lines represent IgM+ PCs, and solid lines IgG+ PCs among the groups. Number of IgM (c) and IgG (d) PCs at days 3, 7, 10, 14, and 21 p.i. (e) DLN cryosections from mice inoculated with DENV (left panel), iDENV (right panel), or PBS (bottom panel) show the distribution of IgM- (green, left) and IgG-expressing cells (red, right). GC zones and the medulla are indicated with white solid lines and yellow dotted lines, respectively. Scale bars represent 200 μm. Data shown represent the and are representative of four independent experiments with two mice per group per time point and histology results from two experiments with four mice per group per time point. Two-way ANOVA with the Bonferroni post hoc test were used for the statistical analysis. , , , and . Asterisks above the DENV line (solid red line) represent statistical differences against iDENV, and asterisks below the iDENV line (solid blue line) represent statistical differences against the PBS control group.