Research Article

Robust Plasma Cell Response to Skin-Inoculated Dengue Virus in Mice

Figure 6

The affinity of IgG antibodies to DENV increases with time after infection, has neutralizing activity, and can be broadly cross-reactive. Sera of mice inoculated with DENV were obtained at days 7, 14, and 28 p.i. and analyzed by ELISA in the presence or absence of urea 7 M. (a) Graph showing the dilution curve of one representative sample per time point. Dashed lines represent the samples with urea 7 M wash. (b) At each time point, the proportion of urea-resistant anti-DENV2 IgG antibodies (high affinity, showed in grey bars) from the total anti-DENV2 IgG antibodies (indicated with dotted bars) is represented. Continuous red line represents the progressive increase in the affinity of the IgG anti-DENV2 antibodies. (c) Percent of neutralization of DENV2 with serum from DENV-inoculated mice (mice 1 to 4, m1-m4) or serum from DNP-KLH-inoculated mice as negative control of neutralization. (d) Relative serum antibody titers for SARS-CoV-2 RBD-, DENV2-, and ZIKV-specific IgG (left panel) and proportion of cross-reactive antibodies to ZIKV from sera of mice 28 d p.i. with DENV2. Data shown represent the of one experiment with 4 mice per time point (a–c) and two independent experiments with 3 mice per experiment (d) (b, one-way ANOVA test with Bonferroni posttest ).