Research Article

Increased CD4+CD8+ Double-Positive T Cell in Patients with Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Correlated with Disease Activity

Table 1

Characteristics of study subjects.

pSS patientsHealth controls

Number ()3535
Age (years)55 (41-65)57 (36-63)0.71
Gender (male/female)2/333/32
Disease duration (years)2.50 (1.00-8.25)
Anti-SSA (+/−)27/8
Anti-SSB (+/−)19/16
Antinuclear antibodies (+/−)25/10
ESSDAI score6.00 (3.00-9.00)
SSDAI score4.00 (2.00-5.00)
CRP (mg/L)5.70 (4.60-8.00)1.80 (1.50-2.20)0.003
ESR (mm/h)20 (11-44)10 (6-14)<0.001
C3 (g/L)0.97 (0.82-1.10)1.10 (0.94-1.21)0.02
C4 (g/L)0.18 (0.13-0.25)0.23 (0.18-0.29)0.007
IgG (g/L)15.50 (11.60-20.90)12.10 (11.40-12.60)<0.001
IgA (g/L)2.24 (1.63-3.28)2.19 (1.49-2.55)0.36
IgM, g/L1.10 (0.87-1.63)1.33 (1.04-1.95)0.47
Immunosuppressive therapy (Y/N)19/16

The data are expressed as the median (25% percentile-75% percentile). The Mann-Whitney test was used for comparison between pSS patients and health controls.