Research Article

Association between Variation of Troponin and Prognosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction before and after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Figure 3

Survival ROC curve. Predictive value 1: predictive values of ratio of delta cTnI to cTnI measured prior PPCI; predictive value 2: predictive values of delta cTnI; predictive value 3: predictive values of the peak cTnI level after PPCI; and predictive value 4: predictive values of the first admission cTnI level. Survival receiver operating characteristic curves for a model including the ratio of delta cTnI to cTnI measured prior PPCI (black line), △cTnI level (wathet blue line), peak level after PPCI (red line), and cTnI concentrations at admission (dark blue line). The areas under the ROC curve are shown for the graph. AUC, area under the curve; ROC, survival receiver operating characteristic; TP, true positive; and FP, false positive.