Research Article

Influence of Grain Boundary Character and Annealing Time on Segregation in Commercially Pure Nickel

Figure 2

(a) Specimen 1 EBSD GB maps identifying the RGB (in blue) extracted for analysis (location of extraction highlighted in yellow). (b-c) Specimen 1 RGB SEM images of the FIB preparation of the APT tip. (d) Specimen 1 RGB 3D atom-by-atom LEAP tomography reconstruction showing the cylindrical ROI for analysis (ions shown are Si only; 100% of ions shown). (e) Specimen 2 EBSD GB maps identifying the RGB (in blue) extracted for analysis (location of extraction highlighted in yellow). (f-g) Specimen 2 RGB SEM images of the FIB preparation of the APT tip. (h) Specimen 2 RGB 3D atom-by-atom LEAP tomography reconstruction showing the cylindrical ROI for analysis (ions shown are B only; 100% of ions shown).