Research Article

Mining Temporal Association Rules with Temporal Soft Sets

Algorithm 1

The negFIN-STARM method.
Input: a temporal transaction data set , a set , the min-TS , and the min-TC .
Output: the class that contains all strong TARs during a period in .
(1)Construct a TSS over from the temporal transaction data set with the item domain
(2)Calculate and construct the -clip soft set of
(3)Construct the IS induced by
(4)Construct the BMC tree by
(5)Traverse the BMC tree to get the Nodesets of all frequent 1-item sets
(6)Identify the NegNodesets of all frequent k-item sets
(7)Build the set-enumeration tree to generate the class , which consists of all temporal frequent item sets
(9)  fordo
(10)   if   then
(11)    Calculate ;
(12)   end if
(13)   ifthen
(14)    Put into ;
(15)  end if
(16)end for
(17)end for