Research Article

Scenarios for Knowledge Integration: Exploring Ecotourism Futures in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea

Table 3

Action items identified during the workshop to support goals identified in scenario process. Each item was assigned to an individual or group to lead.

(1)Create a list of web-links and other contact details and circulate to workshop participants.
(2)Create a list of inbound tour operators from the Port Moresby airport with contact details for Milne Bay Tourism Bureau (MBTB) use.
(3)Provide examples of Tourism Profile Surveys for operators to consider (via MBTB).
(4)Create a list of free web tools operators can use (always advising MBTB so they are aware).
(5)Distribute photo of map created on Day 1 of workshop.
(6)Circulate presentations to all participants.
(7)Circulate report from this workshop.
(8)Provide copy of the image of the decimated landscape of Madagascar shown in the workshop as an example of poorly-managed tourism, to raise awareness.
(9)Develop a Code of Practice that differentiates ecotourism businesses from mainstream tourism.
(10)Establish system of Dive Fees, following aspects of Raja Ampat (Indonesia) model, through the following steps:
(a) Build awareness with the Minister
(b) Develop 5-year strategy
(c) Work with policymakers to write legislation
(11)Begin data collection to undertake Value Chain Analysis of ecotourism industry (analysis of long-term changes that might affect individual operators and their connections to others in the market).
(12)Meeting of participants with MBTB to discuss collaboration in the future and any role they might play to assist, identify further actions and draft visitors’ survey.