Research Article

Gateways to Hawai‘i: Genetic Population Structure of the Tropical Sea Cucumber Holothuria atra

Figure 1

Map of the northern Central and West Pacific. Pie charts represent haplotype frequencies overlaid on sites. To avoid overlap, the Marshall Islands sites, Kwajalein and Majuro, have been combined. Black lines are major gene flow constraints drawn by BARRIER, numbered from strongest to weakest. Yellow arrows represent directional migration rates estimated by MIGRATE. Effective migration rate estimates ( ) with modes between 0.01 and 0.49 are represented by small arrows, rates between 0.5 and 0.99 are represented by medium arrows, and rates over 1.0 are represented by large arrows. Solid lines represent migrate posterior probability distributions, where the 50% credibility set does not include zero. Dashed lines represent migration posterior probability distributions, where the 50% credibility set includes zero, but the distribution peak is greater than zero. Migration parameters with a posterior distribution peak of zero are not shown.