Research Article

Variability in the Structure of Phytoplankton Assemblages in relation to Human Disturbance in Southern Coast of Tunisia

Figure 3

Diagram of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showing the effects of environmental variables on microalgae species ordination according to the first and second axes. Species associated with K (disturbed station) samples are as follows: 4: Amphidinium sp., 24: Prorocentrum minimum, 48: Achnanthes sp., 20: Karenia selliformis, 56: Chaetoceros sp., 60: Licmophora sp., 76: Thalassiosira sp., 55: Coscinodiscus sp., 53: Biddulphia sp., 37: Protoperidinium pellucidum, 61: Leptocylindrus sp., and 66: Plagiotropis sp. Species associated with M (control station) samples are as follows: 9: Coolia monotis, 11: Diplopsalopsis sp., 21: Ostreopsis ovata, 22: Peridinium sp., 28: Prorocentrum lima, 29: Prorocentrum triestinum, 50: Amphora sp., and 68: Pinnularia sp. Species whose coverage and frequency are less than 40% were eliminated.