Review Article

Anthropogenic Threats and Conservation Needs of Blue Whales, Balaenoptera musculus indica, around Sri Lanka

Table 1

Prioritization of threats to Northern Indian Ocean pygmy blue whales in Sri Lankan waters (categories and descriptions based on Regan et al. [113]).


Ship strikeHighModerateHighModerate-to-severe, imminent threat for a significant proportion of population
Incidental catchModerateLowHighModerate threat for a small proportion of population
Oil and gas developmentModerateLowHighModerate threat for small proportion of population
PollutionModerateLowHighModerate threat for small proportion of population
Whale-watchingLowLowHighLow severity threat for a small proportion of population (but rapidly increasing)
Climate changeLowLowModerateLow severity threat for a small proportion of population but increasing
Direct catchVery lowVery lowInsignificantNot a current threat