Research Article

Soil Influences Colonization of Root-Associated Fungal Endophyte Communities of Maize, Wheat, and Their Progenitors

Table 1

Culture-dependent data of maize (Zea mays subsp. mays) and teosinte (Zea mays subsp. parviglumis).

Plants# of plantsTotal morphotypesMean (SD)
number of morphotypes/plants
# of species Shannon diversity
Morphotypes represented by the most numerous sequences

Dmaize7 8 1 (2)4 0.90 Fusarium spp. (62%) Paraconiothyrium spp. (25%)
Alternaria spp. (13%)

Cmaize7 38 5 (2)5 0.96 Fusarium spp. (54%)
Alternaria spp. (37%)
Exserohilum spp. (6%)

Dteosinte7 5 1 (1)3 0.50 Fusarium spp. (83%)
Darksidea spp. (17%)

Cteosinte7 25 5 (3)4 1.11 Alternaria spp. (56%)
Fusarium spp. (12%)
Chaetomium spp. (12%)

Total28 44 19 (15)9 0.87 Fusarium spp. (44%)
Alternaria spp. (39%)
Chaetomium spp. (4%)