Review Article

DNA-Destabilizing Agents as an Alternative Approach for Targeting DNA: Mechanisms of Action and Cellular Consequences

Figure 6

DNA destabilization propensities of the benzo-acronycine dicarbamate derivative S29385-1. (a) CT-DNA was incubated with increasing concentrations of S29385-1 prior to the incubation with a mixture of ethidium bromide (BET) and Picogreen (PG from Molecular Probes, Invitrogen) to quantify only double-strand DNA or both double-strand and single-stranded DNA, respectively. Results are expressed as the percentage of the peak of emission for BET versus PG. (b) Variation of the melting temperature studies of a short 24-bp double-strand oligonucleotide incubated for 24 hours alone or with increasing concentrations of S29385-1 prior to ethanol precipitation of the sample and melting temperature measurement. The results are expressed as the melting temperature for the [DNA+drug] complex minus melting temperature for DNA alone. (Details for the corresponding experimental protocols are described in [91].)