Research Article

Insects’ RNA Profiling Reveals Absence of “Hidden Break” in 28S Ribosomal RNA Molecule of Onion Thrips, Thrips tabaci

Figure 1

Gel images showing the banding profiles of the various insect RNA sampled. (a) Lane M: O’GeneRuler 1 kb DNA Plus (Thermo Scientific), Lanes 1 and 2: aphids, Lanes 3 and 4: thrips, Lanes 5 and 6: whiteflies, Lanes 7 and 8: mosquitoes, Lanes 9 and 10: tsetse flies, Lanes 11 and 12: fruit flies, Lanes 13 and 14: stem borer, Lanes 15 and 16: silk worm, Lanes 17 and 18: wasps, and Lanes 19 and 20: bees shows appearance of RNA on 1.2% formaldehyde agarose (FA) gel. On the other hand, (b) shows RNA appearance on 1.2% agarose non-denaturing gel; Lanes 1 and 2: aphids, Lane 3: whiteflies, Lanes 4 and 5: mosquitoes, Lanes 6 and 7: tsetse flies, Lanes 8 and 9: fruit flies, Lanes 10 and 11: stem borer, Lanes 12 and 13: silk worm, Lanes 14 and 15: bees, Lanes 16 and 17: wasps, and Lanes 18 and 19: thrips.