Research Article

Outcomes of a Peer Support Program in Multiple Sclerosis in an Australian Community Cohort: A Prospective Study

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of participants ( ).

Characteristics , (%)
(unless stated different)

Age (years) [mean (SD), range]51.8 (9.3), 28–66.8
Sex female21 (63.6)
Marital status
 Married/partner21 (63.6)
 Single/divorced/separated/widow12 (36.4)
Living with
 Alone7 (16.3)
 Partner/family36 (83.7)
Employment8 (24.2)
Disease duration (years) [Md, (IQR)]16.0 (9.0, 23.0)
MS type
 RR 13 (39.4)
 PP4 (12.1)
 SP16 (48.5)
 PR0 (0.0)
Currently on antidepressant medication29 (87.9)
Support group attendance14 (42.4)
Received counselling7 (21.2)
Counselling source11 (26.2)
 SW1 (3.0)
 Psychologists4 (12.1)
 Psychiatrist1 (3.0)
 Other1 (3.0)
Previous rehabilitation20 (60.6)
DASS group: ( , %)
  Normal/mild23 (69.7)
  Moderate/severe/extreme severe10 (30.3)
  Normal/mild23 (69.7)
  Moderate/severe/extreme severe10 (30.3)
  Normal/mild28 (84.8)
  Moderate/severe/extreme severe5 (15.2)

DASS: Depression Anxiety Stress Scale; IQR: interquartile range; Md: median; MS: multiple sclerosis; : total number; SD: standard deviation; RR: relapsing remitting; PP: primary progressive; SP: secondary progressive; PR: progressive relapsing.