Research Article

Gold Nanoparticle Sensor for the Visual Detection of Pork Adulteration in Meatball Formulation

Figure 3

Identification of swine DNA in mixed meatballs. Vials ((a)–(f)) represent color of GNPs in genomic DNA extracted from meatballs prepared with pure pork (a), 1 : 1 (w/w) mixtures of pork-beef (b), pork-chicken (c), chicken-beef (d), pure beef (e), and pure chicken (f). The corresponding absorption spectra are labeled by respective alphabets. All vials are incubated at 95°C for 3 min and annealed at 50°C for 2 min before adding the colloidal particles and PBS. The top inset is the comparison of probe sequences with shown species. Mismatch bases are demonstrated by red.