Research Article

Dielectric Relaxation of Lanthanide-Based Ternary Oxides: Physical and Mathematical Models

Figure 4

k-f data taken from the measurement C-f curves of L a 𝑥 Z r 1 𝑥 O2 thin films. The square symbols are measured from La0.09Zr0.91O2, and the solid line is modeled according to the HN law. The diamond symbols, triangle symbols, and circle symbols are tested, respectively, from the L a 𝑥 Z r 1 𝑥 O2 with doping levels of 22%, 35%, and 63%, and solid lines in these cases are all simulated using the CS law. The parameters of CS and HN laws ( 𝛼 , 𝜏 , and 𝑛 ) are shown in brackets.