Research Article

Optical Property Characterization of Novel Graphene-X (X=Ag, Au and Cu) Nanoparticle Hybrids

Table 3

Comparison of UV-Vis absorption peak position of GO, G, AgNPs, Ag-G, AuNPs, Au-G, CuNPs, and Cu-G.

MaterialGraphene peak positionPlasmon peak position

Graphene oxide (GO)230 nm ( )
303 nm ( )
Graphene (G)266 nm
Pure silver nanoparticles (AgNP)430 nm
Silver decorated graphene (Ag-G)260 nm420 nm
Pure gold nanoparticles (AuNP)520 nm
Gold decorated graphene (Au-G)264 nm524 nm
Pure copper nanoparticles (CuNP)475 nm
Copper decorated graphene (Cu-G)264 nm540 nm