Research Article

Silver-Nanoparticle-Based Screen-Printing and Film Characterization of a Disposable, Dual-Band, Bandstop Filter on a Flexible Polyethylene Terephthalate Substrate

Table 1

Comparison of the performance of the proposed screen-printed filter with previously reported printed filters.

S. numberState-of-the-art in printed microwave filters (GHz) 
IL (dB)/RL (dB)
Film conductivity (σ) 

This workT-shaped stub-loaded UIRs based DBBSF using Ag-nanoparticle-based screen-printing on PET substrate 2.55 1.17/27.4,  
5.3 1.58/28.9
2 × 107

Reference [11]Hairpin bandpass filter using Ag-nanoparticle-based inkjet-printing on liquid crystal polymer (LCP) substrate 30 2.41/18.92 × 107

Reference [12]Interdigital coupled line based bandpass filter using Ag-nanoparticle-based inkjet-printing LCP substrate25.7 3.7/241 × 107

Reference [13]DBR bandpass filter using Ag-nanoparticle-based inkjet-printing on LCP substrate5.4 2.18/27.84 × 106

Reference [25]Suspended microstrip lines based bandpass filter using Ag-nanoparticle-based inkjet-printing on dupont kapton HN polyimide substrate 17 3.6/401.5 × 107

S. number = serial number; = central frequency; IL = insertion loss; RL = return loss.