Research Article

Demonstration of Improved Charge Transfer in Graphene/Au Nanorods Plasmonic Hybrids Stabilized by Benzyl Thiol Linkers

Figure 2

(a) Spectra of the pseudoextinction coefficient, , of CVD graphene supported on glass (black spectrum), of AuNRs directly drop-cast on graphene, and AuNRs/G (green spectrum), of the Au rods/BZT/G hybrid before (blue spectrum) and after (AuNRs/BZT/G) H2O (cyan spectrum) water rinsing. For comparison, the spectra of the AuNRs directly drop-cast on glass (and therefore with the capping CTAB) (magenta spectrum) and after thermal annealing to remove the CTAB capping (red spectrum) are also shown. (b) Evolution of the ratio between and (the latter being the intensity soon after drop-casting of AuNRs) upon three cycles of water immersion (30 min), rinsing, and drying. (c, d, e, f) Optical images of the surface morphologies of the (c, e) AuNRs/G and (d, f) AuNRs/BZT/G hybrids. The insets in (a) show the 400 nm × 400 nm AFM images of AuNRs on BZT/G (left image) and of the annealed AuNRs/glass sample resulting in a change to spherical nanoparticles (right image).