Review Article

Exosomes: A Paradigm in Drug Development against Cancer and Infectious Diseases

Table 2

Recent reported methods for molecular profiling of exosomes.


Combined colloidal gold nanoplasmonics and SPRSerumOncologyDetection at molar level, Showed presence of 4-fold exosomes in MM patients than normal[14]

MicrofluidicPlasmaCancer as well as non-cancerous diseasesEnhanced and minimal invasive detection, [15]

SPRSerumOncologyQuantification of the proportion of CREs within the bulk exosome population [16]

NTAWhole blood sampleOncologyEnriched level of MDR-1, MDR-3, endophilin-A2, and PABP4 in resistance prostate cancer cells (DU145) [17]

Metal NanoparticleSerumOncologyMicrosome and exosome detection, detection of two surface markers on exosome [18]

Dual-wavelength SPRSyntheticDrug developmentVesicles carrying marker CD63 link to not greater than 10% of the vesicles in sample.[19]