Research Article

Effect of Chemical Composition on the Nanoscale Ordering Transformations of Physical Mixtures of Pd and Cu Nanoparticles

Figure 7

(a) TEM image of the PdCu 3 : 1 nanoparticle mixture after ramp annealing at 750°C on the SiO2/Si substrate in a forming gas atmosphere. (b) High-resolution image of a PdCu particle marked in (a) reveals uniform lattice fringes across the particle with an interplanar distance of 2.14 Å that corresponds to the [110] plane of the Alloy-3 phase. (c) The FFT from a marked area in (a) is indexed as the [111] zone axis of the PdCu Alloy-3 phase. Scale bars are 5 nm for images (a) and (b), respectively.