Research Article

Far-Field Analysis on Reflecting Colors of Dielectric Nanosphere Metasurface

Figure 5

(a) Color-resolved far-field patterns of the three RGB structures in Figure 4(c). The red (yellow) line indicates (90°). (b) The angle-resolved scattered light spectrum of the red (left), green (center), and blue (right) structures for different viewing angles (), 0°, 20°, 40°, 60°, and 80°, which are estimated on the blue dotted line in (a). (c) Scattering monochromatic far-field patterns in the structure with red, green, and blue colors for different wavelengths. All monochromatic patterns are normalized by the maximum far-field value for the peak wavelengths. (d) Scattered far-field intensity as a function of azimuthal angle () at a fixed for different wavelengths. Red, green, and blue structures are described by (, ), (, ), and (, ).