Research Article

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from the Opuntia ficus-indica Fruit and Its Activity against Treated Wastewater Microorganisms

Table 1

Total and fecal coliforms in water samples from the AUA treatment plant, treated and untreated with different OfAgNPs concentrations.

Tertiary treatmentTotal coliforms
(MPN/100 ml)
Faecal coliforms
(MPN/100 ml)
Identified species

No treatment430150E. coli var 1, E. aerogenes var 1, C. freundii var 2, E. coli atypical
Chlorination910.03E. coli var 1
0.5 mg/ml of OfAgNPs (0.120 mg of Ag+)0.030.03None
1.0 mg/ml de OfAgNPs (0.241 mg de Ag+)0.030.03None
Chlorination + 0.5 mg/ml of OfAgNPs0.030.03None
Chlorination + 1.0 mg/ml of OfAgNPs0.030.03None

MPN: most probably number.