Research Article

Dietary Glycemic Index, Dietary Glycemic Load, Blood Lipids, and Coronary Heart Disease

Table 3

Mean changes of concentrations of blood lipids and CHD risk according to dietary glycemic index and dietary glycemic load.

Quartiles of dietary glycemic indexQuartiles of dietary glycemic load
Q1Q2Q3Q4 𝑃 for trendQ1Q2Q3Q4 𝑃 for trend

Total  cholesterol
(mg/dL) f [ βˆ’ 1.9, 3.5]( βˆ’ 0.8, 4.6)( βˆ’ 0.05, 5.4)[ βˆ’ 1.8, 10.2][ βˆ’ 1.2, 10.8][1.3, 14.9]

HDL-C (mg/dL) f 0.0 βˆ’ 0.7 βˆ’ 1.0 βˆ’ 1.9.0010.0 βˆ’ 1.3 βˆ’ 2.1 βˆ’ 3.5.001
[ βˆ’ 1.4, 0.1 ][ βˆ’ 1.9, -0.3][ βˆ’ 2.8, βˆ’ 1.1][ βˆ’ 2.1, βˆ’ 0.5][ βˆ’ 3.0, -1.1][ βˆ’ 4.9, βˆ’ 1.9]

LDL-C (mg/dL) f
[ βˆ’ 0.6, 4.7][0.1, 5.6][2.0, 7.7][ βˆ’ 1.6, 4.0][2.0, 8.5][0.8, 11.1]

Triglycerides (mg/dL) f
[ βˆ’ 3.8, 5.2][0.5, 9.4][1.1, 10.8][ βˆ’ 5.0, 23.1][ βˆ’ 2.2, 27.8][1.8, 34.1]

LDL-C/HDL-C ratio f < .0010.00.170.390.59 < .001
[0.03, 0.21][0.07, 0.26][0.19, 0.40][0.1, 0.26][0.28, 0.51][0.31, 0.79]

CHD risk f < .0010.00.100.430.69 < .001
[0.0, 0.25][0.04, 0.30][0.2, 0.5][0.0, 0.21][0.18, 0.67][0.47, 0.90]

CHD; Coronary heart disease risk; f 𝛽 's adjusted for sex; age (years); BMI (<20, 20–24.9, 25.0–29.9, > 30 kg/m2); physical activity (mets/week); smoking (never, past, current); and intakes of total energy, protein, saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, alcohol, fiber, folate, magnesium.