Research Article

Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica

Table 4

Incremental areas under the glucose response curves for ten sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivars processed by different cooking methods and glucose standard.

Sweet potato varietiesIncremental area under glucose response curve
BoiledFriedBakedRoastedGlucose standard

Dor51 ± 13a120 ± 21b 156 ± 43c 134± 32d179 ± 53e
Quarter Million47 ± 19a132 ± 25b188 ± 39c192 ± 52c183 ± 41c
Yellow Belly65 ± 15a144 ± 32b174 ± 25c166 ± 33c169 ± 32c
Ganja46 ± 17a129 ± 23b169 ± 15c132 ± 14b175 ± 53d
Watson44 ± 18a118 ± 19b173 ± 27c164 ± 31d159 ± 33e
Clarendon49 ± 23a142 ± 36b176 ± 20c142 ± 57b165 ± 42d
Minda54 ± 22a131 ± 25b184 ± 43c189 ± 45c174 ± 51d
Ms Mac55 ± 13a126 ± 19b171 ± 53c174 ± 43c184 ± 64d
Eustace64 ± 29a142 ± 36b187 ± 54c201 ± 66d178 ± 43c
Fire on Land43 ± 16a122 ± 16b185 ± 81c187 ± 53c164 ± 47d

Superscripts in rows sharing different letters are significantly different .
Values are means ± SEM for subjects.