Research Article

Predictors of Stunting among School-Age Children in Northwestern Ethiopia

Table 4

Binary logistic regression analysis results in school-age children at Mecha district, Northwestern Ethiopia, 2017 (N = 800).

VariablesStunted (N = 303)Nonstunted (N = 497)COR (95% CI) values

 Rural2954384.97 (2.34, 10.55)P < 0.0001

Age of children
 121–180 months1491931.52 (1.14, 2.03)P = 0.004
 60–120 months1543041.00

Fully immunized child
 No46136.66 (3.54, 12.6)P < 0.0001

Source of drinking water
 Unprotected source1942801.4 (1.03, 1.85)P = 0.032
 Protected source1092171.00

Hand washing practice of child’s mother after toilet
 Not washed25282.43 (1.20, 4.93)P = 0.014
 Using only water1903091.67 (1.02, 2.74)P = 0.041
 Sometimes soap/ash63921.86 (1.07, 3.26)P = 0.029
 Always soap/ash25681.00

Wealth index
 Quintile 1561042.15 (1.30, 3.57)P = 0.003
 Quintile 274863.44 (2.10, 5.66)P < 0.0001
 Quintile 370903.11 (1.89, 5.12)P < 0.0001
 Quintile 471893.19 (1.94, 5.25)P < 0.0001
 Quintile 5321281.00

Family size
 ≥52493382.17 (1.53, 3.08)P < 0.0001

Father’s education
 Illiterate2423551.59 (1.13, 2.23)P = 0.008

Mother’s education
 Illiterate2813833.80 (2.35, 6.15)P < 0.0001

Mother’s occupation
 Housewife/farmer2834079.04 (1.18, 69.49)P = 0.034
 Merchant19773.21 (0.39, 26.07)#P = 0.276
 Govern’t and private worker1131.00

Father’s occupation
 Farmer2903878.24 (2.93, 23.20)P < 0.0001
 Merchant9661.50 (0.44, 5.17)#P = 0.521
 Government and private worker4441.00

Types of FP used
 Not used modern FP1041423.30 (1.47, 7.39)P = 0.004
 Short term1913192.69 (1.23, 5.92)P = 0.014
 Long term andand permanent8361.00

Note.#Not significant in binary logistic regression; COR: crude odds ratio.