Research Article

Association of ABO Blood Group and Body Mass Index: A Cross-Sectional Study from a Ghanaian Population

Table 2

Association between ABO blood group and BMI, Rh blood group, and gender of the participants.

VariablesABO blood group, n (%)X2, df value
A ()AB ()B ()O ()

Underweight11 (13.6%)3 (23.1%)15 (14.0%)20 (9.5%)10.56, 90.307
Normal50 (61.7%)8 (61.5%)62 (57.9%)140 (66.4%)
Overweight14 (17.3%)0 (0%)21 (19.6%)42 (19.9%)
Obese6 (7.4%)2 (15.4%)9 (8.4%)9 (4.3%)
BMI (mean ± SD)22.5 ± 4.222.4 ± 5.222.3 ± 4.122.5 ± 3.80.964 (ANOVA)
Rh blood group1.32, 30.723
Positive71 (87.7%)12 (92.3%)99 (92.5%)190 (90.0%)
Negative10 (12.3%)1 (7.7%)8 (7.5%)21 (10.0%)
Gender0.23, 30.973
Male45 (55.6%)8 (61.5%)62 (57.9%)122 (57.8%)
Female36 (44.4%)5 (38.5%)45 (42.1%)89 (42.2%)

SD: standard deviation; : number of participants; X2: chi-square; df: degree of freedom; BMI: body mass index; ANOVA: analysis of variance; is statistically significant.