Research Article

Magnitude of Stunting and Associated Factors among Adolescent Students in Legehida District, Northeast Ethiopia

Table 3

Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis on factors associated with stunting among adolescent students in Legehida district, Northeast Ethiopia, 2018.

VariablesCategoriesStuntingCOR 95%CIAOR 95%CI

SexMale68 (33%)138 (67%)2.5 (1.65–4.14)2.1 (1.73–5.90)
Female33 (16.5%)167 (83.5%)11
Frequency of food intake per day≤2 times64 (48%)70 (52%)5.8 (3.63–8.99)4.6 (2.61–8.24)
>2 times37 (13.6%)235 (86.4%)11
Frequency of washing hands with soap after toiletSometimes51 (55.4%)41 (44.6%)6.57(1.7–11.00)3.6 (1.30–9.40)
Always50 (15.9%)264 (84.1%)11
Availability of functional latrineNo42 (61.7%)26 (38.3%)7.63(4.59–11.4)5.51(3.03–9.9)
Yes59 (17.4%)279 (82.6%)11
Source of drinking waterRiver64 (49.6%)65 (50.4%)6.38(3.4–8.9)2.8(1.35–6.19)
Pipe and protected37 (13.4%)240 (86.6%)11

Statistical significant ( value <0.05).