Research Article

Investigating the Effect of In Ovo Injection of Silver Nanoparticles on Fat Uptake and Development in Broiler and Layer Hatchlings

Table 1

Total oxygen consumption (O2), carbon dioxide production (CO2), and heat production (HP) of layer (Lohmann-Lo) and broiler (Ross-Ro) hatchlings in ovo injected with different concentrations of AgNano (50, 75, and 100 mg/kg) and the control (no-injection, C) measured at embryonic days 13 to 191.

mL h−1
mL h−1
J h−1

Breeder strain
 SE2 0.121 0.124 2.45
P value
 Breeder strain<0.0001<0.0001<0.0001
 Treatment   strain0.640.060.06

Within columns: means with different superscripts differed significantly ( ).
1Mean values of 4 treatments, each containing 24 embryos per breeder strain.
2Pooled standard error.