Research Article

Architectural Heterogeneity in Tumors Caused by Differentiation Alters Intratumoral Drug Distribution and Affects Therapeutic Synergy of Antiangiogenic Organoselenium Compound

Figure 6

Photomicrographs of tumor tissue microarrays (TMAs) from surgical samples of head and neck squamous cell, colorectal, and lung carcinoma. (Left panels, CD34 immunostaining to visualize microvessels; middle panels, CAIX immunostaining and right panels, HIF-1 𝛼 immunostaining (brown, nuclear) to visualize tumor hypoxic regions; original magnifications, × 200). Poorly differentiated TMAs are relatively uniformly well vascularised ((a), (g), arrows) with some regions of hypoxia as measured by CAIX ((b), arrow, (h)) and HIF-1 𝛼 ((c), (i)). In contrast, the well differentiated tumors have large differentiated regions that are avascular ((d), (j), (m), arrows) and more strongly hypoxic as seen with CAIX ((e), (k), (n), arrows) and HIF-1 𝛼 ((f), (l)) immunostaining. Most lung adenocarcinomas were negative for HIF-1 𝛼 staining (o).