Clinical Study

The Current Practice of Screening, Prevention, and Treatment of Androgen-Deprivation-Therapy Induced Osteoporosis in Patients with Prostate Cancer

Table 3

Of the 87 patients with a baseline BMD, 12 patients had a BMD value in the osteoporosis range and 13 in the osteopenia range. Percentage of patients on bisphosphonates, and calcium supplementation, vitamin D supplementation, calcitonin prescription was assessed based on baseline BMD values.

Bisphosphonate prescriptionCalcium supplementationVitamin D supplementationCalcitonin prescriptionRepeat BMD at followup

Baseline BMD in osteoporosis range25% (3/12)50% (6/12)50% (6/12)0% (0/12)25% (4/12)
Baseline BMD in osteopenia range4/138/138/130% (0/13)5/13