Research Article

Survival Outcomes and Tumor IMP3 Expression in Patients with Sarcomatoid Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma

Table 1

Demographics of the sarcomatoid metastatic renal cell carcinoma cohort.

Number (%)

Median age (range)63 (39–74 years)
 Male18 (67%)
 Female 9 (33%)
Histologic subtype
 Sarcomatoid 4 (15%)
 Sarcomatoid + clear19 (70%)
 Sarcomatoid + other 4 (15%)
Metastatic sites22 (81%)
 Lung11 (42%)
 Bone 6 (22%)
 Brain 5 (18%)
 Liver26 (96%)
Prior nephrectomy
MSKCC risk group
 Favorable2 (7%)
 Intermediate18 (67%)
 Poor7 (26%)
Heng risk group
 Favorable1 (4%)
 Intermediate17 (63%)
 Poor9 (33%)
Sarcomatoid features
 Predominant20 (74%)
 Nonpredominant 7 (26%)
 Median sarcomatoid % (IQR)50 (15–80%)
 Positive14 (67%)
 Negative 7 (33%)

One patient demonstrated both clear cell and papillary histology.
Papillary (), granular cell (), and unclassified types ().
MSKCC, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; IMP-3, insulin-like growth factor II mRNA-binding protein 3; IQR, interquartile range.