Review Article

Dental Treatment in Patients with Leukemia

Table 2

Minimum hematological values for performing invasive dental procedures in patients undergoing chemotherapy, according to different authors.

AuthorsPlatelet countNeutrophil count

Sonis et al., 1995 [3]<100,000: elective dental treatment should be postponed.<3,500 (leukocytes): elective dental treatment should be postponed.
Haytac et al., 2004 [32]<40,000: periodontal probing and dental extractions contraindicated.<1,500: periodontal probing and dental extractions contraindicated.
Brennan et al., 2008 [22]<50,000: contraindication to perform invasive procedures.<1,000: contraindication to perform invasive procedures.
Koulocheris et al., 2009 [34]>60,000: acceptable for oral surgery.>1,000: acceptable for oral surgery.