Research Article

TP53 Mutations Promote Immunogenic Activity in Breast Cancer

Figure 1

TP53-mutated breast cancers (BCs) have increased immune activities compared to TP53-wildtype BCs. (a) Heatmap showing the ssGSEA scores of 26 immune gene-sets in TP53-mutated and TP53-wildtype BCs (METABRIC). ssGSEA: single-sample gene-set enrichment analysis. TNBC: triple-negative breast cancer. Red color indicates higher enrichment levels (ssGSEA scores) of gene-sets, and blue color indicates lower enrichment levels of gene-sets in the heatmap. RB1 are more frequently mutated in TP53-mutated BCs while CDH1, GATA3, MAP3K1, and PIK3CA are more frequently mutated in TP53-wildtype BCs (Fisher's exact test, P<0.05). The black vertical lines in the horizontal bars beside gene symbols indicate that the genes are mutated in corresponding samples. The black vertical lines in the horizontal bar beside “TNBC” indicate that the sample is a TNBC. The black vertical lines in the horizontal bars beside “ER”, “PR,” and “HER2” indicate that the sample is ER-, PR-, or HER2-. (b) TP53-mutated BCs have significant higher degree of immune infiltration than TP53-wildtype cancers evaluated by ESTIMATE [29]. (c) The TCGA BC pathological slides data show that TP53-mutated BCs had markedly higher percent of lymphocyte infiltration than TP53-wildtype BCs. TP53-mut: TP53-mutated BCs. TP53-WT: TP53-wildtype BCs. It applies to all the other figures.
