Research Article

TP53 Mutations Promote Immunogenic Activity in Breast Cancer

Figure 2

TP53-mutated breast cancers (BCs) have higher activity of cytokines, immune pathways, and immune-promoting leukocyte cell subsets than TP53-wildtype BCs. (a) Cytokine and cytokine receptor (CCR) genes show more frequent somatic copy number alterations (SCNAs) in TP53-mutated BCs than in TP53-wildtype BCs (Fisher's exact test, FDR<0.05). The outmost circle indicates 23 human chromosomes. The bars in both inner circles (outside and inside) indicate the frequency of SCNAs of CCR genes in TP53-mutated and TP53-wildtype BCs, respectively. A longer bar indicates a higher frequency of SCNAs. (b) Immune-related KEGG pathways upregulated in TP53-mutated BCs relative to TP53-wildtype BCs (FDR q-value<0.05). (c) TP53-mutated breast cancers (BCs) have significantly different leukocyte cell subset infiltrates estimated by CIBERSORT [30] compared to TP53-wildtype BCs.
