Research Article

Overexpression of DCLK1-AL Increases Tumor Cell Invasion, Drug Resistance, and KRAS Activation and Can Be Targeted to Inhibit Tumorigenesis in Pancreatic Cancer

Figure 1

DCLK1 expression is upregulated in pancreatic cancer and other cancer types. (a) Relative DCLK1 mRNA expression levels were analyzed using the TCGA esophageal (ESCA), stomach (STAD), liver (LIHC), pancreas (PAAD), and colorectal (COADREAD) datasets. (b) Percentage of DCLK1 protein expression in various tumor tissues was analyzed using the Human Protein Atlas. (c) DCLK1 expression in the normal pancreas and cancer tissues was detected using anti-DCLK1 Ab immunostaining.
