Research Article

Inadequate Nutrition Coverage in Outpatient Cancer Centers: Results of a National Survey

Table 2

Patient load and services provided.

RDN daily patient work loadMean ± SDa

 What is the average number of patients evaluated or counseled by a single outpatient oncology services RDN during an 8-hour work day? (n = 172)7.4 ± 4.3

Services provided% (n)a

 What online or internet-based services do you offer regarding nutrition education for patients? (n = 161)b
  Education materials47.2 (76)
  Patient scheduling24.2 (39)
  Classes/webinars14.3 (23)
  Teledietetics/e-coaching8.7 (14)
  None47.2 (76)
 Are nutrition services being provided by non-RDNs? (n = 176)
  Yes5.7 (10)
  No94.3 (166)

aDue to incomplete data and branching logic, the total number of responses varies by question. The total number of complete responses per question is provided next to each question in-line. Percentages are based upon the number of responses out of total number answering the question. Means and standard deviations are calculated using only complete responses. bRespondents are allowed to select more than one option and thus, responses may not add up to 100%. RDN = Registered Dietician Nutritionist.