Research Article

Diagnostic Accuracy of Procalcitonin, Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio, and C-Reactive Protein in Detection of Bacterial Infections and Prediction of Outcome in Nonneutropenic Febrile Patients with Lung Malignancy

Figure 1

Inflammatory markers (WBC, NEU and NLR) between bacteria-infected group (N = 311) and TF group (N = 277) in NNLCPs with fever. The differences of WBC (a) and NEU (b) levels and NLR (c) between bacteria-infected group (N = 311) and TF group (N = 277). The horizontal lines represented the median. Statistical significance was calculated with Mann–Whitney test. (d) ROC curves of the sensitivity and specificity for WBC, NEU, and NLR. ROC curves were calculated predicting the absence or presentation of infection in febrile NNLCPs. ; WBC: white blood cell; NEU: neutrophil; NLR: neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; TF: tumor fever; AUC: area under the ROC curve; NNLCPs: nonneutropenic lung cancer patients.