Review Article

Investigation of Radiation-Induced Toxicity in Head and Neck Cancer Patients through Radiomics and Machine Learning: A Systematic Review

Table 1

Study selection criteria and research keywords according to the PICO model.

Selection criteriaInclusion criteriaExclusion criteriaEMBASE search via PICOMEDLINE/PubMed search via PICO

P: populationAdults (age >18 years) affected by nonmetastatic HNSCC (nasopharynx; oral cavity; oropharynx; hypopharynx, larynx; nasal cavity; and paranasal sinus); salivary gland cancerPediatric patients (age < 18); non-HNSCC primary tumors; metastatic HNSCC cancer; and diagnosis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma of HNSCC“Head and neck tumor”/exp OR “head and neck cancer”/expHead and neck tumor

I: interventionRadiomics with artificial intelligence; radiomics-based machine-learning methods; and quantative radiographic phenotype analysisExclusion of radiomic analysis from the machine-learning method (exclusive analysis of biomarkers, genetic profiles, clinical data, etc.)“Radiomics”/exp OR “machine learning”/expRadiomics OR machine learning

C: comparison(Not explored)

O: outcomeRadiation-induced toxicity; radiation-induced toxicity riskPrediction of survival outcomes; local disease response; prediction of HPV-status or nodal status; and automatic contouring implementation“Radiation toxicity”/exp OR “radiation tolerance”/exp OR’radiation injury’/expRadiation toxicity/radiation tolerance/radiation injury