Research Article

MCT4 Promotes Tumor Malignancy in F98 Glioma Cells

Figure 5

Tumor growth and cell death in MCT4 overexpression and knockdown F98 VOGIM slices. (a) VOGIM slices implanted with con, MCT4, and MCT4KD F98 cells (green) as well as MCT4 cells treated with 100 μM pCMBS or 150 μM Phl (green) and stained with PI (red) directly after and 48 h after tumor implantation and treatment. (b) Quantification of tumor growth in VOGIM slices was performed with Fiji. Data were normalized to con. Statistical analysis was performed by two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni posttest (; , mean ± SEM, n = 9). (c) Quantification of tumor death in VOGIM slices was performed with Fiji. Data were normalized to con. Statistical analysis was performed by two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni posttest (ns, mean ± SEM, n = 9).